Guidelines for Process Column Internal Installation

 The correct installation guidelines for process column internals are critical for hassle-free startup and optimal performance. The same applies to absorbers, strippers, packing, mist eliminators and more. We are experienced contractors who will share our on-the-job knowledge to assure your tower works as designed.

Prepare for Column Internal Installation

Before installing or purchasing your tower, you must have some data. This column data includes, but is not limited to:

·         Diameter and roundness of the tower internal.

·         Measurements of tangent to tangent.

·         Locations of wall clips.

·         Positions of the support rings.

·         Desired level of wall clips and support rings.

·         Vertical aspect of the tower

 It also does not include the intended media or desired performance results with the estimated time duration of the tower's use. Poor planning can cause difficulties when installing the interior and packing, causing problems with the nozzle and manway areas. Existing towers should have a packing installation checklist, which has changed over the years or other factors have changed.

 Your tower probably uses structured or random packing but will still have universal elements such as:

1.       Feed Inlet Device – These vary by vapor/liquid transfer, foam or intermediate suppression, or mixed phase.

2.       Distributor – They are designed to provide a regular flow across the packed bed.

3.       Packing Materials – You should know if you need random or structured and other factors such as material, size, amount, etc.

4.       Retainer – To hold the packing in place during turbulence.

5.       Support Plate – They often have continuous ring units and are multi-beam to hold in the packing.

When using structured packing, set each block of packing before installing it to ensure proper configuration. You or your contractor should do their best to avoid dirt or particles in the tower during installation. These and other contaminants may be found in liquid distributors when you begin the operation. Random packing made of metal is often inserted into the tower. The packing should not be crushed into the support plate during the process. This involves pouring the packing from the correct height and even lowering the initial random packing to the support until the plate is covered. Plastic random packing uses the same principles, but is more brittle, so the pour height must be adjusted accordingly. Flow testing should be done once any type of packing is finished. Test the water on the distributor after assembly to check for leaks, especially on the joints.

 The team at S Cube Mass Transfer helps work with all types of column internal installation, choosing between structured and random packing, distributors, feed inlet devices, support plates, and many other factors. We also offer art turnaround and shutdown solutions including fog eliminators, trays, wedge wire screens and more. Contact us if you want to know how we can help with the internal requirements of the column.


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